Chimerror Productions

Quoll Work Thread, 2024-09-23 #3 - 2024-09-23 18:39

Tags: blog gamedev inform7 quoll testing text adventures writing

This is a continuation from another post. Here is the first part of this thread. Here is the previous post of this thread.

I’m back after my nap and eating some food, and the next thing I’m going to try to work on has to do with some extra text substitution and variables Smarter Parser adds to grab relevant examples from around Ada to provide example commands.

For example, [get noun example] will look around the environment Ada is in to find an object to use as an example. So a response with the string "EXAMINE [get noun example]" may end up as "EXAMINE PERSONAL PHONE" when it’s printed out. In the case where such an item can’t be found, there are a set of fallbacks defined in Smarter Parser:

default noun example is a text variable. default noun example is usually "flower".
default person example is a text variable. default person example is usually "John".
default direction example is a direction variable. default direction example is usually north.
default help command is a text variable. default help command is usually "about".

(Note that Smarter Parser seems to have been written a long time ago, and the verbiage has changed. For example, the modern way to write the first sentence would be default noun example is a text that varies.. But luckily, the newer versions have remained backwards compatible.)

This is a very nifty feature, but there are a few issues. First is minor, namely that I want to replace a few of these with the examples that I was using myself such as "BANANA" and the elusive "SOMSRI". But another issue is that the attempt to grab from the environment doesn’t take in account the relative importance of the Things around Ada. So I would see it choose Things that are part of other things like "PERSONAL PHONE'S TOUCHSCREEN" or Software on the phone like "APARTMENT TODO LIST", which isn’t ideal for guiding the Playerr.

I also have not exactly figured out how to cause these default examples to get hit, but that’ll hopefully become clear with some testing.

(Also I just realized that I didn’t do my due diligence and set up CSS or HLJS for code blocks on here. I’ll have to fix that...)

Jaycie “chimerror” Mitchell