Mahjong Story Work Thread, 2024-12-29 #2 - 2024-12-29 16:07
OK, after some work I have written up a bit more on character profiles because even with how little I need to talk about Chimmy and Ada to write them, I wanted to decide on their playing styles and what fun forms they have decided to transform into. And I have a handful of other characters that I’ve pulled from elsewhere and one new character that will be the starting viewpoint character and the “normie” entry-point character (she’s also new to mahjong).
Grabbing the old characters had me looking at an old outline I did for a different story in this same universe and it really tempts me to drop this and finish that one, but I think I will continue on to at least get an outline written for this mahjong story. Ya girl has a really bad habit of getting distracted and starting new projects.
Writing the background for the new character is honestly a bit tough because while most of the other characters have gotten to relish their abilities to engage in furry bullshit, this character has only recently been saved from a dark reality controlled by the Guild of Gates, the antagonist organization of Quoll. But then that’s exactly why I think she’ll be a sympathetic viewpoint character even though I’m intending on using semi-limited third-person where I change the viewpoint character over different parts.
But I’ve been dicking around with this for about two hours, so I should probably rest my butt.