Chimerror Productions

Mahjong Story Work Thread, 2024-12-29 #3 - 2024-12-29 20:06

Tags: blog fiction writing furry mahjong scrivener transformation writing

I have outlined the east round of the game and it’s been real fun to have to figure out what I want to happen on each hand to cause events in the narrative, though I admit it definitely does not feel like a “real” game. But it’s not supposed to be, because this is a story and I want to have fun!

Though one thing that I realized is that as fun as it is to write this, I cannot publish this until after I publish the next release of Quoll because I have pulled in a character that I do not want to reveal. Which is fine, I have other stories that I can publish sooner, I just felt inspired to do some work on this one.

This might be a break on this for a while because I want to do a code review for a friend, though I definitely intend to finish outlining this tonight.

We’ll see!

Jaycie “chimerror” Mitchell