Chimerror Productions


These are the feed posts that use the “transformation” tag:

2024-12-30 23:53: Mahjong Story Work Thread, 2024-12-30 #2

OK, I got pulled away by therapy, doing some new job onboarding stuff, and a couple of naps, but I have finally finished outlining the full game!

2024-12-30 09:11: Mahjong Story Work Thread, 2024-12-30

Look who’s up early! I definitely should be working on other things, but nonetheless I would love to finish up outlining this story, so I’m going to get on it, but I’m also going to talk some about how I’ve made decisions so far…

2024-12-29 20:06: Mahjong Story Work Thread, 2024-12-29 #3

I have outlined the east round of the game and it’s been real fun to have to figure out what I want to happen on each hand to cause events in the narrative, though I admit it definitely does not feel like a “real” game. But it’s not supposed to be, because this is a story and I want to have fun!

2024-12-29 16:07: Mahjong Story Work Thread, 2024-12-29 #2

OK, after some work I have written up a bit more on character profiles because even with how little I need to talk about Chimmy and Ada to write them, I wanted to decide on their playing styles and what fun forms they have decided to transform into. And I have a handful of other characters that I’ve pulled from elsewhere and one new character that will be the starting viewpoint character and the “normie” entry-point character (she’s also new to mahjong).

2024-12-29 14:23: Mahjong Story Work Thread, 2024-12-29

Things have been a bit up and down emotionally for me, though overall, I’ve had some good moments during the HOLIDAYS. Either way, I feel like I need to throw writer brain a bone and let her write about some furry bullshit that does not have to be massaged into interactive fiction, so I’m thinking of tackling a story about my fursonas hosting a mahjong night… with transformative results. (You can probably assume most of my stories have such results…)

2024-07-17 01:21: Shark Bite Brew Published!

I’ve been working on this story for Shark Week for about a year, based on some art a friend drew, and it’s been published! It’s a story about pervasive advertising, public transportation, politics, and perhaps most importantly, people turning into shark-women.

2016-04-2017 15:31: Childhood Nostalgia Published!

A few years ago, I wrote this story for TF Tuesday on Twitter, and then made a slightly edited version to upload to Furaffinity (and now, here).

It’s a transformation story about cartoons of the past, and the subtle and not-so-subtle effects they have on the present...

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