Chimerror Productions


These are the feed posts that use the “programming” tag:

2024-10-15 19:54: Quoll Work Thread, 2024-10-15 #3

After quite a bit more of work, I now have flavor text in for my main pathway that I’m testing and have created tests for the other three topics that Ada can ask about to advance the tutorial even though I’m putting off on writing the actual flavor until later. (I have a lot to do and it feels more like a job for writer brain than coder brain.)

However, given that I touched a few responses for the tutorial node before this as well as responses that should have been hit by other tests already, I think it’s a good time to run the tests and at least keep them up to see if I broke anything too serious, which will do it for me tonight, most likely.

2024-10-15 14:58: Quoll Work Thread, 2024-10-15 #2

A bit of a longer work session to start out with, but I wanted to get to a point where I had most of the flavor text in for the initial test of the scaffolding and could thus check in code since I had a lot in the air. But I’m going to have to make slight jaunt to handle some basic signalling around taffification.

WARNING: Might have a few light world spoilers for this part that I talk about.

2024-10-14 23:26: Quoll Work Thread, 2024-10-14 #4

And after long two-hour post-dinner work session I finally have one pathway through this tutorial implemented as scaffolding! A great place to end the night!

2024-10-14 19:26: Quoll Work Thread, 2024-10-14 #3

OK, I am at the end of my third work session after another break, and I think I finally have the basic scaffolding up, but I am going to have to do a bit of testing.

2024-10-14 15:10: Quoll Work Thread, 2024-10-14 #2

I’m coming up on the end of my first work period. While I think some of this was getting back up to speed I did get the basic rules that keep the Playerr conversationally shepherded during the tutorial.

2024-10-01 23:03: Quoll Work Thread, 2024-10-01 #4

OK, as much as I really want to continue working, it’s getting close to bedtime so I think I should call it here. After eating, I did another work session, pulling in the locale paragraphs for our skunktaur tutors and fixing a small ordering issue with how this gets printed out (basically, I’d rather Ada describe the people in the room before she describes the door back to the hallway).

2024-10-01 20:23: Quoll Work Thread, 2024-10-01 #2

OK, after a couple of work sessions, I need to eat some food. I was struggling on how to work through handling the conversation nodes when I decided that I should just organize my work using test-driven development. Though the first type of test that seemed to make the most sense to test was preventing the Playerr from commanding Ada to wander off to other parts of the level. In particular, I don’t want to deal with the headache of Ada possibly figuring out what Taffany’s problem is by wandering into the North Carolina Kitchen and finding Taffany’s CDs. It just would make the responses I’d need to write even more convoluted to account for that.

2024-10-01 18:07: Quoll Work Thread, 2024-10-01

While there is definitely still more to do with Smarter Parser, I think I really want to move back to pulling in more nodes of Glitch’s First Tutorial (which is actually the second one I’ve made because, see, because it’s a programming game, we start at zero). While I do think there’ve been enough delays in what I’ve gotten done that I am not going to make my loose deadline of mid-October, I think I can make good progress.

2024-09-26 14:58: Quoll Work Thread, 2024-09-26

I don’t intend this to be an actual thread like the last one because I’m more wrapping up for the day by re-running all the tests. I did the work before I made this post, as I sometimes do when it’s pretty small. But I do still like talking about it, so here we go.

Today was wrapping up the last few fixes and improvements I wanted to do with the Smarter Parser integration.

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